Tuesday, March 31, 2009

aBout mY BeStFriEnD

helloooo......... How are you???? I hope you are fine.... I'm writing this time because I want to tell you about my bestfriend at my college.... I will tell you everything about her.... My bestfriend is Nur Munirah bt Abdullah.... I call her mun2 @ kak....
She is a slender person.... She has medium length, straight & black hair.... She has almond & dark eyes... She is relatively of medium height..... I think her height is around 146cm & weight is 46kg... She has a oval shaped face & she has a smooth skin... She also has a well-defined lips.... Her nose is normal shape... She looks attractive & pretty when she smile because she has a charming smile & dimples.... I also like her personality..... She is kind & friendly person.... She always listen to my problem & give me some advice.... She is also generous because she always helps me when I'm in trouble.... She is a honest, trustworthy & reliable person... She always laugh when my friends jokes.... She is a soft spoken person... She is also a brave & loyal friend... I love her so much.... hehehe.... that all about her...

miSsInG LovE.... :)

hye222... how are you???? fine o not.... hope you always fine..... when I create this post my situation not fine.... mybe I sad....

Ramadhan last year I know with someone.... He origin from somewhere far (the place is secret)..... After that he became my special boyfriend.... he is carring & loving.... He also green eyes.... But i like his green eyes... because it means his love me.... We couple about 5 month ago.... But our relationship not be long.... I clash with his at this year (2 month ago)... I not contact he again after I clash with he.... After 1 month he came & contact me again.... He really want to couple with me again but I refused his.... I afraid his hurt me again.... Many time he try to persuade me but I still refuse... then 2 week ago I think about his persuade and I want to accept his but I dont want to tell he anymore.... Yesterday he message me & we talk many topic include about couple.... Suddenly he tell me that he get a new special girl.... I very shocked & I feel sad when I hear a news... I dont why I feel like that... I try to be a strong person that time... Now I know that I can't lie myself again.... I still love he.... But it's tooo late... I ready loss something from he... I accept his decision... Now we just be a friend only... I try to forget about our story & make new life.... WE became a close friends now.... I really hope that he can get happiness from that girl.... huhuhuhuhuhu :( now I missing his love.... that alll.... bubye...

Friday, March 27, 2009

6 tHinGs I trEaSure mOSt In mY LiFe.....

hye everyone... what things that most important in your life???? For me, the important things in my life is handphone, motorcycle, glasses, my clothes, presents & also computer.... I have 2 handphone... I really love the handphone because It's from my dad & also my own.... my dad give me the nokia... I buy the sony ericsson when I work.... I buy it by my own salary.... the motorcycle important for me because my brother borrowed to me for myself benefit... It can make me easy to go college.... I wear galsses because I can't see from far.... without glasses I can't not see from far.... my clothes is also important because my mum have buy for me... I also had buy my own self... presents & computer also like what I say at up.... For me all things is very important because it came from person that I really2 love.... I will kept all things safely.... Thanks for the person that love me... That all.... see you again.... bye....
From mY dAd......

WhAt do I tHink AboUt BlogS...

xoxoxoxo for you all.... hehehe.... Before this many topic that had write & share with you all.... Today I really want to share with you all again about new topic that I will create in my blog, Hafizah life's....

I want to ask you, what do you think about Blogs???? I think blogs is one website like myspace, friendster & also facebooks... but the different is myspace & another esleias just for chat with friends that we don't know.... Blogs not that all... For me blogs is like a diary because I can disgorge my problem.... We can write whatever we want to write or story..... We can write about what we feel... Besides that we also can add friend's blog & read what they write inside there.... We also can comment their blogs.... For your information, I never know about blogs before this.... I ever hear a name only... But since I study at semester 2. I know what is the blogs & the aim... I also can be follower to follow my friends blog... So we can read their blog... We can know that our friends update their blog... I thanks to teacher because she teach me how to do blog.... I love you.... Without you I never know about blog... Thanks again... bye...

hoW tO mAke EngLisH intErEstiNg...

ellloooooo fwen....... Nice to meet you all again in my sweetie blog..... hehehehe......... Actually I no idea to create this time about this topic but don't worry I will try to create my best as possible.... hehehe.... Before this I never like english class because for me the class is bored & make me sleppy..... When my english class coming, I never happy & feel sleepy... That why my english is not very well.... But now, I really like my english class when I start studies at college community kulim... I think my english class will be bored like at school but I mistake..... We can make our english interesting... Do you want to know how????? I think our english class will be interesting & fun when we can play games after we finish study one topic.... It's can release our mind... We also have to study in happy mood for avoid the class bored... We can make a jokes with friends & lecturer.... So we can't feel sleepy anymore.... I really happy when I get a sporting teacher.... She is Puan Suba..... I never bored when I came her class... She always make our class in a happy mood... She also always support us for improve our english.... She will spoke english with her students in class.... She want us to speak english well....She never bored to teach us speak english.... I really thanks to her for her effort.... That why my english class always interesting & fun.... We always enjoy in class... That all can I share with you all about this topic.... Hope that we always enjoy with english class.... bye......

Thursday, March 26, 2009

dO wE NeEd ExaMinAtiOns??????

hye2 everyone... How your fell today????? Fine or not??? I hope you all fine... What do you think about examinations???? For me, all people ever had examinations in their life.... So do we need examinations???? Yes, of course we need examinations... Examinations is very important when we are study at IPTA or IPTS.... Why???? It's because when we do examinations, we can test our memories about subject that we have learn from our lecturer... We also can improve our knowledge about this subject.... Besides that, we can learn from mistake that we have do before this through examinations... So we will more effort to success... Without examinations we can't test our memories or we can't know our memories level.... That why we need examinations..... k tatatititututu........ ;)

My AiM fOr SPA203???

cakkkk2...... hye friends.... What is SPA 203???? SPA 203 is the subject that I learn at semester 2... It's English For Communication... This subject teach by Puan Subashini.... Now I want to tell about my aim for Spa203 to all my friends and also to my lecturer...

All people have an own aim,right..... So my aim for SPA 203 is I want to improve my english better & skor in this subject..... I really want to get a best result in this subject & make my family, my lecturer & my self proud... I really hope that my english will better than before this... Besides that, I also hope that one day, I will can speak english well.... So I hope I can learn more about this subject from my loving teacher, Puan Subashini Annamalai... Hope my effort will produce success.... take care.... bubye...

Monday, March 23, 2009

mY FirSt dAy At tHe CollEge....


24 July 2009 is my first day at the college...... I register as student at college community Kulim... That time I feel very happy because I will start my new life as student at the college...... I very grateful because I success to continue my study.... After we all finished register, we went to Bendang Man,Sik at the evening for orientation..... About 30 people went to the orientation.... The lecture that went to there are Pn Hani Faizah, Cik Aisyah, Cik Nurul Huda, Cik Nur Zahirah, Pn Izzah, En Awis & En Nikcman..... At there I learn many things that I never knows.... Many activities that our lecturer give to us..... We very enjoy the orientation...... I really happy after I study at college community Kulim..... I want make sure my ambition will be successful... My experience teach me about living..... Ok, Enough at here.... I will create again.... byebyebye......

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Road Accident I've MeT

Good day for everyone....... Now, I want to tell you about my new exprience in my life............ This time I want you all know that I ever have an experience about accident..... This accident happened by my own self..... It's happened at 12 March 2009 when nina, nini & i want to go to CRC for training..... I was accident at traffic light Seven Eleven at Kulim..... I collide the side car & I fall from my motorbike.... My motorbike was damaged.... The side mirror was broken & the brake was bent.... I very thanked for God because nothing happened to me.... But that time I very angry with motorist because he don't want to confess his fault..... I bring the issue to police station & do the report.... Lastly he pay me for indemnity.... I will remember tthe experience along my life.... Ok that all for this time..... We will see again next blog...... tatatititututu............

mY cLaSsMAteS

mY SweEtIe cLasSmaTes aT CollEge..... PeAce nO WaR.... :p

ello2...... see again.... today I want to describe about my loving classmates...... In my class I have 13 classmates.... 11 girls & only 2 boys..... All my classmates is very kind, good & friendly friends.... They are nina, nini, ain, mun2, k.imah, k.dayah (nunu), farhana, zaliana, shima, shikin, hasnul (nul2) & wafiy...... hehehehe.... They have different attitude & they show their attitude with a different way... They always help me & another friends.... We also always be together & co-operate when we wnt to do any work.... When we study in one group together, we always give a good idea & share opinion from each other.... Do you want to know about my class??????? ok I will tell you...... My class always in a cheerful situation & noisy.... It's because my classmates are cheerful person... They also funny person.... They always make a jokes before class start & I very happy with all my classmates...... Besides that some of they always disturb & hector me in class....... They are............. nini,nina,k.imah,k.dayah,ain,ana,mun2, & nul2......... hehehehehe........ Anyway I like & happy when they do like that..... It's because they can make me smile the whole day.... I love you all.... Before this , I never think that I will gets a friendly & kindly classmates like them.......... I really happy to be their friends....... You all are my friends forever.......... Thank you become my friends........ That all about my funny classmates... bUbyE..........

Saturday, March 21, 2009

mY faVouRitE frUit...

hye2.. happy to meet you again in my next blog..... This time I want to share story with you all about My Favourite Fruit... I like eat all type of fruit.... Local fruit or import fruit... but only a few fruit that I really2 like... My favaurite fruit is Durian, mangosteen, green apple, honeydew & grape.... This fruit is very delicious and tasty... fruit is very good for our body... It's because fruit have many vitamins like vitamin A, B, C, D & E... I like durians because it is a king of fruit and I love to eat durians very much... Durians have many types.... For example durians kampung, durians belanda & another else... I always eat durians with 'pulut' & rice.... Do you want to know why we cannot eat many durians?????? It's because this fruit can make our body feel hot... WE can avoid from hot with drink water from durian's skin...

I like mangosteen too.... It's because this fruit as small & purple colour... Mangosteen is ggood for our body because it have vitamin but I dont know what kind of vitamin that have in mangosteen.... If you want to know you can serve internet by yourself.... hehehehe....I also like honeydew because it soft & sweet... I love eat green apple because this apple can lose my weight.... It good for who want to diet like me...... hehehehehe... I always ask my mum to buy apple just for me... Green apple also have vitamin... Not at all.... Grape is very good foe our eyes.... It can make our eyes look shine.... I like eat this fruit tooo.... Fruit is good for our body,... To get a healthy body, eat more fruit... Eat either local or import fruit... I very love eat fruits.... That all... bye..

ThE bEst biRthDay Gift I gEt...

ello... I'm here because i want to story to you all about my important day in my life... My special day is 08 June 1990... The date that I was born to this world... My first time in my life, I celebrate my birthday when my age 8 years old... That time I celebrate with my older brother when I live at Johor Bharu.... I never get gift from my parents along my life... I will feel sad because every year when my birthday coming, nothing that I get from my beloved person.... But I have one the best birthday gift that I received at my birthday... It's from my sister adopted.... She give me a mug at my birthday when I form 5.... I like the gift that she give me... Besides that I also like gift from my bestfriends.... They give me a 2 small mug & a frame... Now I never celebrate my birthday or get gift from my beloved person.... My family also never say " HAPPY BIRTHDAY " to me.... I feel sad but I try to be a patient & cool person that I can... I never hope to get a gift from them.... But I will feel happy when my family & my friends remember my birthday... That enough for me... I will appreciatefor who remember my special day... Nothing the more important when person that we love remember our birthday... Ok that all about my story... Nothing special in my story..... OK FINEEEEE........... hehehehehe.... bye...

Friday, March 13, 2009

aBoUt mY BesT Friend.

huhuhuhuhu...... hy..... I feel very sad when I create blog this time.... Do you want to why??? Ok I will tell you all... I have 2 Bestfriends when I at form 1... We are close friends... Anytime we want go out, we always go together... Now, I never go out with her again.... she don't want to be friends with me again... I feel sad because in "sekelip mata", our relationship is break... But what can I do... I don't want to force her to be my friends... I don't know why she very angry with me... It's because I don't to help her??????? Why she never to understand me as a student... whatever happened, I still assume her as my bestfriends... I will do my best to give my friends happiness although my heart always sick.... Ok Fineeee..... love our friendship... take care about our friends... hihihihihihi... have a nice day... bubye...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

LoVe Or FriEndShIp????

hello2... today I want to share one story with you all... I hope you all can read this story & give comment...

What happened?? Where did I go wrong?? The words began to flow freely, so did the tears that were beginning to form, slowly sliding down my cheeks, His soft-spoken words I don't know did nothing to ease the ache I was feeling, and had been feeling for several weeks..

Afizan, the boy that i love with all my heart had left me. For all the days, I kept remembering our sweet memories, looking for him everywhere, losing my mind & focus in class.

One day, when I was sitting alone in the garden during recess, Adam came & greeted me. I was shocked because I had never thought that he would dare approach me. Softly, he spoke to me, asking me what happened. I refused to answer him, but he never gave up & kept asking me. I saw his sincerity & it made me trust him. He advised me not to keep being this way.

You have to realize that you still have friends to support you in everything you do, every decision you make. Now, listen to my magic words & I promise I will return you smile.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

He doesn't love you,

But we sure do.

The sweet words that he uttered gave me strength. I realized that I still can survive without Afizan. I will start my new life as a new person and I want to success in my life. That is a promise.
Adam & I were so close until something shocked happened. It was on my birthday.
Aina, there's something I want to tell you. Don't say anything, just listen. I know this is not right, but I have fallen in love with you. I hope you will accept me, but if you can't , I understand. If you time, you can have as much time as you want.
Adam, I'm so surprise to hear all this, but I'm really sorry. I can accept you as a friend, a best friend, not more than that. Since Afizan, I don't believe in love anymore.
Aina, I respect your decision. but please do me a favour. Don't you ever hate love. There is no mistaking love. You feel it in your heart. It is the flame that heats our soul.
Then I realized that best friends are the siblings God forget to give us. Thank you God for giving me such a good friend. I could feel that he was disappointed. But he still managed to give me a smile.
Aina, I hope we are still friends. I relly hope that one day, we would meet in the university to further our studies.
I just smiled at this words.
Now, I realize that a friend can be with us all the time. They are always ready to share everything with us. A friend doesn't care about our looks or wealth. So think, love or friendship????

LoSs oF tRuE FriEndShIP

When I opened my eyes
I saw a bright world
and felt my loneliness...
flying away
I think I'm a lucky girl
To have a friend like you
full of kindness
and you face beaming
with happiness
You brought me....
roses of true friendship
How nice to have you
as a friend

Now, I feel I'm in loneliness
Waiting for someone
called a true friendship
cause you're far.... far away
You brought my happiness
with you
and make me cry
I know you will never...... never
come back to me
but I just want you to know
I miss all the sweet moments....
The precious moments
We're had together

Please let me keep this memory
Fresh in my heart...

LoVe FriEndShiP......

Thursday, March 5, 2009

sEcReT.... hOpE rEaD...


I found the answers in my room....

1- ROOF said : Aim high....
2- FAN said : Be cool....
3- CLOCK said : Every minute is precious....
4- MIRROR said : Reflect before you act....
5- WINDOW said : See the world....
6- CALENDAR said : Be up to date....
7- DOOR said : Push hard to achieve ur goals....


GooDiEs dAy!!!!!!

See again... Today is a "goodies day"... Today I get a few candy & lolipop from my friends & also from my class lecturer, CIK NUR ZAHIRAH... I get 9 goodies... It's from my classmate, saff-one & cik ira... I love all my friends because they so sporting & loving person... I also love cik ira... She never forgot us... She give me a apple... She also give to all my friends... I have finish eat the apple... hehehe... I like the all goodies that I get... But I see someone from us had crying because she get only 2 goodies... I know she "terasa"... but what can we do... I don't what to say anymore... hope she can happy next time... I no comment about her... Ok, bye...


helllloo..... see again in my blog... Now I just want to share with you all or my teacher about yesterday at megamall... I play bowling with ain, nini, nina, ana, hasnul & a few friends... I geng with ain & twins... We play at lane 29... Firstly I don't want to play because no ball... but I try my best to find the ball for us... And I found that... We share the ball with lecturer... I feel happy & forgot about my problem because I can release tension at bowling... we play 3 game... I vs with farhana... She always want to "bersaing" with me in study or another else.. but I like... And she lose with me... but we still accepted for "wakil" college... I get 333 point & she get 286 point... I really feel happy yesterday... I also like see ain & twins play... they play with funny... We always laugh at bowling.. I will to my best for competition & "harumkan" college name... Ok that all... bubye...


hy..... Yesterday I feel disspointed & crying before I went to college for bowling... It's because MPSP refused me for LI... I feel stressed so much yesterday but I try to be cool... Some of my friends have received place for their LI but I don't get anymore... I cannot happy until I enjoy with my friends... In bus, FARHANA try to make me happy & smiling... I dont want to think the badly things because I know I also can get a suitable place for my LI... so the best thing I should do is enjoy with all my friends.... ok tatatititutu... hehehe =)))

gAmE EnGliSh

allllo.... Yesterday I had finish create about my lecturer & now I excited to create again... This time about my English class... Last Monday, I had class with Puan Suba... We all learn about the last topic in english subject, "ENQUIRES"... We all do exercise together with teacher and also reading a dialogue sentences... After finish learn the topic, my teacher want we make 4 group... It is because she want to play game... She give 4 type of game to we all... I have do together with my group member... We had a few challenger in this game... We all excited to answer the game... I feel challenge with farhana's group at the fourth game... It quite difficult but it's still interseting... I & my group member try our best to complete the game... Then, when we all finish play the game, teacher total all the marks to find the winner.... My group be a winner when my group marks higher than farhana's group...We feel satisfy... Teacher give us a present & we share the present with all my friends... I feel happy when play game with teacher & all my friends... Besides that i can improve more in my english... It's because I always open the dictionary to find a word that I not understand... That all about my english class... I want to stop writing now... I will always try to update & create a new post for my blog... I hope who are reading my blog, can give some comment... okey, goodbye...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My FavOUritE LeCtuReR

hye2........... Good day for everyone...... See you again in my blog... I not create my blog 2 wekks already... So nothing new post in this time except story about my sweet memory... Today I feel excited to create about my favourite lecturer in college... About 14 lecturers have teach & give me some knowledge when I studies in this college for 2 semester... All lecturers at this college are very kindly & friendly... Now I want to describe about my favourite lecturer... Do you want to know who lecturer that become my favourite lecturer???? Who else??? She is..................... Puan Subashini Annamalai... She is my favourite lecturer... I choose her because I like her characters & her nature... She already married & have 1 baby boy... Her baby so cute... I see at her laptop in class last semester... She teaching me in SPA 203, English For Communication... I want to tell you all about her physical first... She is a tall person & her body shape is average build... She have a lovely figure shape... Her face is oval shaped.. She also have a thick eyebrows & have a normal eyes & nose... Her lips also looks well-defined... I like her smile because she have a charming smile & healthy teeth... She have long, straight & black hair... Her hair also looks healthy... She always come to college with wearing a simple clothes but looks smart & elegant... That all about her physical... Next I want to tell you all about her characters & nature... She is a sporting lecturer... She looks concerned, nice, & also friendly... She always make a best for her student... She caring about her life & her student too... She is smart & intelligent person... She always looks confident... She also reliable, trustworthy & good listener... She always advice us when we had a problem about study or personal... I like her attitude... Before I study at community college, I never like this subject because I don't interested... But when I study this subject with teacher, I feel interested & try my best to improve my english... Teacher always try to give the best when she teaching us... She never give a reason for helping us... She always give us spirit to fulling our wishes & dream... She also likes a happy person... Now I like to learning english... I hope I can improve my english better... Okey that all about my lecturer... I don't know what I want to create anymore... Hope you all always happy read my blog... See you at another post... bye2...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bukit Merah

hello!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm writing again.... because many week I don't create... I miss to create in this blog again... Now i want to share with who read my blog about my story... Last saturday my friends & I go out to BUKIT MERAH... We have a nice day at there... We arrived at there at 11.30a.m...We went with 3 car... We bought a combo ticket... Firstly we all go to ECOPARK... Many animals that we can found at there... The animals at there looks so cute... When we arrived at ecopark, we bought a some food for them to eat... We see many type of animals... We also go to "Rumah Ular"...We see a giant snake is called "Ular Sawa"... The snake is very big & poison...but the snake sat in the hutch... We also see & touch the another snake... It's also called "Ular Sawa"... But this snake demisticated.. Not like the giant snake... Both of my friends hold & take up to their shoulder...The snake skin look beautiful when put at the sun... Then we go to the srosodile hutch... We can see a copper crocodile... It's very big... I'm afraid when i see the crocodile... After that we go to see a animal show... There also see a 3 HANDSOME BOY... They is Azlan, Shah & Nizam... I like Azlan & Nizam... hehehe... There have 3 "kakaktua" birds at the show... The bird look so clever & active...It also look cute & beautiful... When the show is finish, we all have a chance to take a picture with the bird... It is my first time when the bird sit at my hand... Then we go to the animals rear... We all see many cute animals... After that we go out from there because we all want go to the skycycle place... Me & rohana take one of the skycycle... We feel so afraid because the skycycle look as want to fall... Finally we finish go to ecopark... Next we go to waterpark for swimming... hehehe.. but I do no how to swim... We all go to shower room for change the clothes.. We play a water with happily. we go swim at "Ombak" place... The water at there is so salt.. i nearly drown but I can caught ain's hand.. I feel easy after that..Then we go out from the water and go to shower room for change our clothes... After everyone have finish, we go to eat at the shop. I just est fried rice & drink apple ice... I never forget to buy some souvenir for myself & my youngest brother... We also go in to ghost house... At the first, I felt afraid but when I go in, nothing to afraid again because inside not to fearful... Lastly we all go to play the bumper car before we all go back.. I, nina, nini, ain & k.dayah play for 2 round... After 20 minutes we play, we all get ready to go home... I feel happy so much because I can enjoy with all my friends that day... I think I have release tension when I enjoy that day... Okey I hope you all happy when read my blog this time... Next time I will try create a more interesting & longer... Hope you can give a excited comment for me to improve my english... goodbye... =)))