Thursday, March 26, 2009

dO wE NeEd ExaMinAtiOns??????

hye2 everyone... How your fell today????? Fine or not??? I hope you all fine... What do you think about examinations???? For me, all people ever had examinations in their life.... So do we need examinations???? Yes, of course we need examinations... Examinations is very important when we are study at IPTA or IPTS.... Why???? It's because when we do examinations, we can test our memories about subject that we have learn from our lecturer... We also can improve our knowledge about this subject.... Besides that, we can learn from mistake that we have do before this through examinations... So we will more effort to success... Without examinations we can't test our memories or we can't know our memories level.... That why we need examinations..... k tatatititututu........ ;)

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