Friday, March 13, 2009

aBoUt mY BesT Friend.

huhuhuhuhu...... hy..... I feel very sad when I create blog this time.... Do you want to why??? Ok I will tell you all... I have 2 Bestfriends when I at form 1... We are close friends... Anytime we want go out, we always go together... Now, I never go out with her again.... she don't want to be friends with me again... I feel sad because in "sekelip mata", our relationship is break... But what can I do... I don't want to force her to be my friends... I don't know why she very angry with me... It's because I don't to help her??????? Why she never to understand me as a student... whatever happened, I still assume her as my bestfriends... I will do my best to give my friends happiness although my heart always sick.... Ok Fineeee..... love our friendship... take care about our friends... hihihihihihi... have a nice day... bubye...

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