Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My FavOUritE LeCtuReR

hye2........... Good day for everyone...... See you again in my blog... I not create my blog 2 wekks already... So nothing new post in this time except story about my sweet memory... Today I feel excited to create about my favourite lecturer in college... About 14 lecturers have teach & give me some knowledge when I studies in this college for 2 semester... All lecturers at this college are very kindly & friendly... Now I want to describe about my favourite lecturer... Do you want to know who lecturer that become my favourite lecturer???? Who else??? She is..................... Puan Subashini Annamalai... She is my favourite lecturer... I choose her because I like her characters & her nature... She already married & have 1 baby boy... Her baby so cute... I see at her laptop in class last semester... She teaching me in SPA 203, English For Communication... I want to tell you all about her physical first... She is a tall person & her body shape is average build... She have a lovely figure shape... Her face is oval shaped.. She also have a thick eyebrows & have a normal eyes & nose... Her lips also looks well-defined... I like her smile because she have a charming smile & healthy teeth... She have long, straight & black hair... Her hair also looks healthy... She always come to college with wearing a simple clothes but looks smart & elegant... That all about her physical... Next I want to tell you all about her characters & nature... She is a sporting lecturer... She looks concerned, nice, & also friendly... She always make a best for her student... She caring about her life & her student too... She is smart & intelligent person... She always looks confident... She also reliable, trustworthy & good listener... She always advice us when we had a problem about study or personal... I like her attitude... Before I study at community college, I never like this subject because I don't interested... But when I study this subject with teacher, I feel interested & try my best to improve my english... Teacher always try to give the best when she teaching us... She never give a reason for helping us... She always give us spirit to fulling our wishes & dream... She also likes a happy person... Now I like to learning english... I hope I can improve my english better... Okey that all about my lecturer... I don't know what I want to create anymore... Hope you all always happy read my blog... See you at another post... bye2...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot dear